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Peckin’ Away | Death, Taxes and ?

8-12-24 Peckin’ Away 

Death, Taxes and? 

You’ve heard it. The old saying that the only things certain in life are death and taxes.  

Not True! 

Death may not be on the agenda for some who may be raptured. 

Taxes? Hmph….I’ve known several people who didn’t pay taxes. Most paid with something else, jail time. 

But one thing is certain and that is change. It’s coming, often when least expected. 

My wife Kathy and I are dealing with change in our church life. Our Sunday School class at Geyer Springs First Baptist Church has been our comfortable home for over three years. It provided us with friends who helped us transition from our 40 years in Fayetteville to Central Arkansas.  

Guess what? It’s changing. We should have seen it coming. Our teachers were facing personal issues (age and work related) and had to step back and now we’re left wondering what fills the gap in our spiritual life for Sunday School. 

Business owners face change, too.  

  • A key employee may quit 
  • A large customer may decide to go elsewhere  
  • A vendor raises prices unexpectedly or can’t meet your needs 
  • A cyber-attack may put your business offline 
  • A health issue may necessitate a change 
  • You may need to sell your business 

Are you ready for change? 

Good preparation is the first step.  

Talk with a CBI Team member about managing change for you and your business.  

A seasoned professional will sit down and help you evaluate where your business is now and where you want it to be in the next few years. 

Change is coming. 

Act now!