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Peckin’ Away -Do you have a plan?

Do you have a plan? 

I was honored to speak at the Magnolia Rotary Club recently. It took me back to my childhood when my grandmother was the head of the cafeteria program at the Holly Grove, Arkansas public schools. The Holly Grove Rotary Club met in the school cafeteria and my Grandma Ruby cooked the meal for the members of the Rotary Club.  

I also remember the Downtown Fayetteville Rotary Club I was a member of beginning in 1984 until our office moved away from downtown. I met many civic minded Northwest Arkansas businessmen who helped me along in my career. 

Yep, they still ring the bell to start and cite the pledge of allegiance. 

The topic I discussed in Magnolia was one that is top of the mind right now with the devastating hurricanes that destroyed so much in North Carolina and Florida. 

I also told the sad story of a woman who called me from Harrison, Arkansas asking for help in selling her husband’s business. When I asked why she was calling instead of her husband, she told me he had recently died of a heart attack at their dinner table, and she was left without knowing anything about her husband’s business. 

There was no plan for that, and the business failed. 

Mr./Mrs./Ms. Business Owner, do you have a plan? 

If not, send an email to and we’ll help you get one started, before it’s too late for you…..and your family. 

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