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Dave Godwin Facilitates Lower Middle Market M&A Transaction in Roofing Industry

Springdale, Arkansas – July 10, 2024 – CBI Team is pleased to announce that Dave Godwin, an Executive Broker and Certified Business Intermediary with our company recently facilitated the successful closure of a lower middle market merger and acquisition transaction in the roofing industry in Northwest Arkansas.

As an executive broker with extensive experience in the M&A sector, Dave has consistently demonstrated a commitment to maximizing value for his clients. This latest deal underscores his expertise in navigating the complexities of a transaction of this size and his dedication to ensuring a seamless transition for all parties involved.

“Closing this deal highlights the robust economy of Northwest Arkansas and the resilience of our local businesses,” said Dave. “I’m proud to have facilitated a transaction that benefits both the buyer and the seller, contributing to the growth and sustainability of our community.”

Details of the transaction remain confidential at the request of the involved parties.

For more information about Dave’s services and expertise, please visit or contact him at 479-263-7330.