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Business Brokers

What Was That!

Carl Grimes (Founder/Chairman) Blog:

What was that! 

Oh, that was 2020 and we’re sure glad it’s in the rearview mirror and that we can look forward to 2021 and maybe start to a better roaring 20s. 

Or can we? 

One thing we know is that privately held businesses are going to face challenges in 2021. 

  • Higher taxes 
  • More regulation 
  • Foreign trade uncertainty 
  • Pandemic issues 

Those are certain as we change federal administrations and the accompanying differences in the philosophical approach to business.  

One thing about small business is that it’s nimble and can pivot (that seems to be the catch word of the 20s) quickly. 

The nimble adapt and survive. 

One only has to look at the way businesses adapted to the lockdowns and the stay-at-home work force to see that small business will find a way to survive. 

CBI decided to pivot early in 2020 when we saw the handwriting on the wall with the pandemic. Our forte has been and will always be selling businesses. We set the curve for that. 

However, we saw that many businesses would be struggling to survive and not in the best position to sell. So, we added several tools to our toolkit. They can be found at

Among them are: 

L4B to help businesses find the best loan for their needs 

LAP for when time is running short and a business must be sold for the value of its assets, including real estate 

RAP to allow business owners and buyers to access capital in their 401Ks or other retirement plans to be used to save or buy a business with no tax or penalties, regardless of the owner’s age 

CVB to help business owners analyze and operate their businesses for more profit 

And many more. 

So, no matter where you find your business to be in 2021, CBI has a team and a service to help. 

Call 877-582-5200 or email for a free, no-obligation consultation.