By Jon Holbert
All small business owners want to know whether their marketing campaigns, social media presence, website updates and personal networking efforts are yielding results. We’re no exception. New clients are often asked “How did you hear about us?” Each time we hear that any one of our marketing efforts connected with a prospective customer, we make mental notes to continue what’s working.
While we know the future and the present is digital, we also understand that ours is a business that’s built on personal and trusted relationships, one business owner at a time.
Because each business is unique, we take time to get to know each owner, understand and learn about their journey as an entrepreneur and what led them to this monumental step of selling. With that said, we’re grateful for every lead, digital or otherwise, but when it’s a referral that originates from a former client, I’ll confess, we’re elated!
Allow this humble brag: During a recent prospective seller meeting, I asked how they heard about CBI and our team. Their answer? Everyone says you’re the ones to do this for me…
For them, everyone included trusted mentors, friends and colleagues with whom they spoke in confidence about their future. And every conversation returned to CBI. I soon learned these recommendations came from three past clients of CBI and one personal friend!
It’s been said excellence attracts excellence. That concept is one our team understands. Each day, we’re working hard to provide excellent service to our sellers. At the end of the day we know our good work, proven processes and ethical approach is one of our strongest calling cards.
Thank you to the 750 owners who have trusted CBI to sell their businesses during the past 25 years. And, thank you for sharing a positive review of our work with others. At CBI, we’re so grateful for the opportunity to serve you and believe ours is the team best equipped to help you meet your financial goals. Want to learn more about CBI’s referral program? Contact CBI today.